Materials: Red Oak Bark, golden rod , birch, Spagnam Moss and Steel
Approx size: 2.5 x2.5 x 2.5 Metres
Location: I Park, Connecticut, Usa.
Date: 2013
The Journey was built for I Park, during my period as an Artist in Residence, culminating in the 2013 Environmental Art Biennale. I Park invites artists to retreat and respond to its unique landscape.
The form is constructed around a welded steel armature built from reclaimed reinforcement bar, ( I Park was formally an Architectural Salvage Yard there remains huge amounts of scrap metal and other materials available on hand.)
The steel armature is clad in a hard shell of Red oak bark, harvested from a 300 year old windblown oak. this surface conceals a soft underbelly of living moss, a luscious soft nest like interior. This layered globe reminiscent of the Earth, evokes ideas of protection or shelter.
Photos by Caryn B Davis